
this is my personal website!

my meaning me! or mothmothmoth, just moth, hungry, and so on... i like moths

DNI if you are...

this moth is currently a student at somewhere :3 and was born around 20 years ago, if this is updated! their pronouns are any/all but they have a preference for their name or they/them.
if you could not tell before, the moth is trans (and may be a little bit of a furry although that is secret information)

you can find moth on lots of places! it shouldn't be too hard to find most of them, but my more public pages are my mastodon, my github and my discord, which is Hungry#2169

moth is interested in quite a lot of things! so many things i put them into neat little containers, or just mostly so i actually remember what i like when i inevitably forgor them! any special interests are bolded but i might forget to bold them, so its not super accurate. also they change really often, like weekly :3

other thingies

this site will mainly be used for moth to post any creative work they do (like fan jojo stands,) more technical work, or blogging about interesting things they do (like archiving)

important note on archival blogging

a major thing this site will be used for is for archiving small little sects of the internet i take an interest in. please note that the things being archived do not reflect on my views and may even be bad things but a thing i love about the internet is it's strange ability to create weird little communites with strange habits and ideals, which i believe needs to be archived. maybe if i archive all the little 10 member inc*lcore groups on the internet humanity will completely 100% understand how the human brain forms relationships!